Now, I'm well aware that you learn from your failures/negative experiences, and that means we shouldn't be afraid to fail, but I also think you can learn from the good things as well. BUT just for old time's sake, let's start first with a disappointment. My Indiegogo campaign ended this past week and I didn't raise as much as I'd hoped. Heading into the last week of the campaign I felt angry. Why does potato salad raise $55,000.00 and I'm having trouble raising more than a thousand? Oh, and then things started to get really ugly when I began to list (a mental one, but still not pretty) all the people who didn't donate (people who I have given to and people who I knew could afford to give, but hadn't) and then thankfully I had an Oprah "A ha" moment. I realized that no one owes me anything. I had this dream, on my own and not one person (except for maybe my mom) was obligated to give me a dime. And when I contributed to anyone else's campaign, it was never because I expected a payback. I gave to support my friends. So I released the NEED to raise money, and I let it go (please don't sing). I also forgave all those people on my mental list, though they had done absolutely nothing wrong to be forgiven for, but I needed to do it for myself. And crazily enough, once I did that, I raised more money (maybe it's a coincidence because most people wait 'til the last minute to contribute, but I don't so). And I continue to receive support now that the campaign is over.
Yes, I failed!!! I did not reach my goal on Indiegogo, but I have gained so much more (get ready, I'm going to get positive now). The support I did receive was overwhelming, because I realized that those people who contributed to my film did so because they truly wanted to. No one had to open their wallets and contribute any of their hard earned cash, but they did. And as I thanked each person, I received notes back full of support. When I yelled at someone for what they gave and asked "Are you crazy?" they simply responded "No, I just love you and believe in you". And then I wept, at my desk, at work, and it was embarrassing. I don't think I have ever actually heard those words said to me before. And if they were said, I either hadn't really listened or I just didn't believe them.
With all these people believing in me, I can't let them down by not believing in myself. And as I move forward getting ready to go into the studio, and search for a cinematographer, there are moments of fear. What if the songs don't sound like I want them to? What if I choose the wrong person? What if what I've written isn't any good? But, and here's the biggie, what if I truly believe in myself (like my friends do) and listen to my instincts, and trust my gut? Imagine that!! I have to believe that if I do that I'll be where I need to be. I'm not saying it will be perfect, but I believe it will be the perfect place for me, in the perfect time.
And Lord knows I can ramble on and on with my non-perfect sentences, but honestly, I don't think I can say it better than Bernadette Peters and the Muppets. Special thanks to my dear friend Polly McKie for introducing me to this, and to all those friends and family members who believe in me. You make it essential that I believe in myself, and with that, anything is possible:
UPDATE: Let's share the love. I had this thought this morning (after posting very late last night), what if we all thought of one person that you believe in (they don't need to be in the performing arts) and you told them so. Or maybe you tweet them with #Ibelieveinyou! Or if you don't feel comfortable telling them personally, why not say a prayer for them or send them good thoughts and root for them that way. You never know who needs to feel your belief right now!
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